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Lhc_fl | 2022-08-16 12:05:31 UTC | #1



  • 吸收上,天然的17-β雌二醇口服时,强烈的肝脏首过效应会导致其被代谢为雌酮、硫酸雌酮等低效雌激素。(但是皮肤吸收不会这样,请放心使用爱思妥)
  • 成本上,通用口服雌二醇片剂比其他形式的雌二醇(如透皮凝胶贴剂阴道环)便宜得多。
  • 代谢上,戊酸雌二醇代谢更稳定。
  • 历史问题,口服戊酸雌二醇相比雌二醇先出现


由于吸收不良和相对于其他雌激素的效力低,口服雌二醇直到1970年代初才被广泛使用[208]。相反,共轭雌激素,乙炔雌醇己烯雌酚雌激素通常被口服方式使用。 1966年,Schering以Progynova 品牌推出口服戊酸雌二醇,用于医疗用途。[32][33][209][210]雌二醇的酯化,如戊酸雌二醇,在口服时改善了其代谢稳定性1960年代的研究表明,螺内酯醋酸炔诺酮类固醇微粉化使其吸收和口服效力提高了几倍。[211][212][213][214][215]1972年,对女性进行的微粉化雌二醇研究,同样被发现可提高通过口服途径的雌二醇的吸收和效力。随后,口服微粉化雌二醇于1975年以Estrace 品牌在美国被引入医疗用途。[34][验证失败]然而,口服微粉化戊二醇酯是由Schering在1968年引入的。口服微粉化雌二醇和口服戊二醇具有相似的生物利用度,现在都在世界各地广泛使用。[11][6]


Lhc_fl | 2022-08-16 10:33:58 UTC | #2

诺坤复(高端雌二醇)Estrofem 2mg – HORMONES荷尔蒙 (hormoes.com)


我算了算,雌二醇分子量 a = 272.38,戊酸雌二醇分子量 b = 356.50,b/a正好是1.3088332476686981


Lhc_fl | 2022-08-16 10:42:11 UTC | #3


戊酸雌二醇酯是雌二醇酯,或雌二醇的前体药物[15][4]因此,它是一种雌激素,或雌激素受体激动剂[4][15]戊酸雌二醇对雌激素受体亲和力比雌二醇低约50倍。[3]此外,戊酸雌二醇被迅速切割成雌二醇,并且无法达到重要浓度的靶组织,如果有的话。[3]因此,戊酸雌二醇本身本质上是无活性的,仅作为雌二醇的前体药物[3]由于其C17β酸酯的存在,戊酸雌二醇的分子量约为雌二醇的131%,因此戊酸雌二醇含有约76%的雌二醇量的雌二醇。[22][23]除了调整剂量以解释分子量的差异外,口服戊酸雌二醇被认为等同于口服雌二醇。[3] 因为戊酸雌二醇是雌二醇的前体药物, 它被认为是雌激素的天然生物同质性形式.[15][16][17]


Estradiol valerate is an estradiol ester, or a prodrug of estradiol.[15][4] As such, it is an estrogen, or an agonist of the estrogen receptors.[4][15] The affinity of estradiol valerate for the estrogen receptor is approximately 50 times lower than that of estradiol.[3] In addition, estradiol valerate is rapidly cleaved into estradiol and is unable to reach target tissues in concentrations of significance, if at all.[3] As such, estradiol valerate is essentially inactive in terms of estrogenic effect itself, acting solely as a prodrug to estradiol.[3] The molecular weight of estradiol valerate is about 131% of that of estradiol due to the presence of its C17β valerate ester, and hence estradiol valerate contains about 76% of the amount of estradiol of an equal dose of estradiol.[22][23] Aside from dose adjustment to account for the difference in molecular weight, oral estradiol valerate is considered to be equivalent to oral estradiol.[3] Because estradiol valerate is a prodrug of estradiol, it is considered to be a natural and bioidentical form of estrogen.[15][16][17]

Lhc_fl | 2022-08-16 12:32:53 UTC | #4


‎不同的雌二醇途径和剂量可以达到广泛变化的循环雌二醇水平。‎‎[11]‎‎为了与正常生理情况进行比较,绝经前妇女的月经周期循环中雌二醇水平在早期卵泡期为40 pg / mL,在周期中期为250 pg / mL,在黄体中期为100 pg / mL。据报道‎‎,‎‎在整个月经周期中,绝经前妇女循环雌二醇的平均综合水平在80和150 pg/mL之间。‎‎[161]‎‎[162‎]‎[163]‎

Estradiol can be taken by a variety of different routes of administration.[11] These include oral, buccal, sublingual, intranasal, transdermal (gels, creams, patches), vaginal (tablets, creams, rings, suppositories), rectal, by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection (in oil or aqueous), and as a subcutaneous implant.[11] The pharmacokinetics of estradiol, including its bioavailability, metabolism, biological half-life, and other parameters, differ by route of administration.[11] Likewise, the potency of estradiol, and its local effects in certain tissues, most importantly the liver, differ by route of administration as well.[11] In particular, the oral route is subject to a high first-pass effect, which results in high levels of estradiol and consequent estrogenic effects in the liver and low potency due to first-pass hepatic and intestinal metabolism into metabolites like estrone and estrogen conjugates.[11] Conversely, this is not the case for parenteral (non-oral) routes, which bypass the intestines and liver.[11]

Different estradiol routes and dosages can achieve widely varying circulating estradiol levels.[11] For purposes of comparison with normal physiological circumstances, menstrual cycle circulating levels of estradiol in premenopausal women are 40 pg/mL in the early follicular phase, 250 pg/mL at the middle of the cycle, and 100 pg/mL during the mid-luteal phase.[159] Mean integrated levels of circulating estradiol in premenopausal women across the whole menstrual cycle have been reported to be in the range of 80 and 150 pg/mL, according to some sources.[161][162][163]

Lhc_fl | 2022-08-16 12:31:46 UTC | #5

Narrow_0x2f | 2022-08-16 18:32:29 UTC | #6

其实 Bayer 是有做微粉化的,说明书上有只言片语需要一些更严谨的 ref
至于补子,需要召唤一个拉丁文魔法师给这个戊酸酯命名, Progynova 一名可能只是加了糖和香料调制出来的魔法契约
口服 E2 酯应该是还有别的,可以补个 table 上来
另外推销一个 http://docs.hrt.guide 以及 ref 不考虑折叠一下嘛)

Bersella | 2022-08-17 05:41:50 UTC | #7

我倾向于“更容易保存”这一说法。按说明书,“补佳乐”可于30度以下保存,而凝胶的要求是20度(不过不排除辅料物理性质的影响)。 :thinking:

moe_rika | 2022-08-26 00:58:02 UTC | #8



最后由 @Calorie2023-11-01T02:39:41Z 编辑